Sunday, October 25, 2020

सिमलचाैरको बहः Simalchaur Hiraeth

A bilingual anthology called Simalchaur Hiraeth (Simalchaur ko Baha in Nepali ) is published as an eBook today.  This is the collection of the selected literature and artworks of the students of The School of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (SPBS), Pokhara University during the years 2004-2007. The school is currently known as the School of Health and Allied Sciences. During that period, the school was located at the Shwet Bhavan, Simalchaur, Pokhara. The works collected here were published on the Students' Desk managed by Pokhara University Students' Pharma Association (PUSPA). 

 This collection contains three sections. Nepali, English and Art Sections. Photographs of the creators are also taken from the past (2004-2007) as far as practicable.

The collection can be viewed below:

धेरै पढिएकाे

पृष्ठ संग्रह